Herzlich Willkommen

Updated 20 May 2015

37th Sängerfest 12 - 14    June 2015     LOGO
Grüß Gott mit hellem Klang……… Heil deutschem Wort und Sang!
Utica Maps
Badge/Order Forms
1 Month Check Point
Mass Chorus Concert
Prize Singing
Church Services
Zur Erinnerung
Utica Area Restaurants
8 Month Check Point
German Links
Utica Männerchor
5535 Flanagan Road - PO Box 441 - Marcy, NY 13403-0441 - (315) 735-5882

Move mouse over the flag.

NYSSB Tapstry Front

Welcome to the 37th
NYS Sängerbund Sängerfest.
We hope that you can join us for our weekend of
Song and Gemütlichkeit
12, 13, 14 June 2015.

Mit freundlichen Sängergrüßen und Kameradschaft,
your host the
Utica Männerchor.

NYSSB Tapstry Back

For more information about what's happening in Utica click on the sign.
Go to the Utica Männerchor Web Site.

Mid-Hudson Valley

Capital District

Utica/Gloversville, NY

Syracuse, NY

Binghamton, NY

Rochester, NY

Buffalo, NY


Herzlich Willkommen

Greetings to all singers, delegates, and guests,

The Utica Männerchor is is honored and proud to host the 37th Sängerfest and welcome you to Utica as we celebrate our 150th Anniversary of German heritage. We are working diligently to make the weekend successful and enjoyable for all participants.

Our goal is to continue promoting and advancing German culture and tradition through music and song while maintaining the high standards of previous Sängerfeste.

Our Sängerfest weekend will afford all of us many unique opportunities to renew old friendships and form new ones while pursuing our common love of music through German culture and song. We are striving to make this weekend an entertaining, pleasant, and rewarding experience for you and hope that you are planing to join us for our weekend of song and Gemütlichkeit on 12, 13, and 14 June 2015.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or need further information. Thank you again for your endorsement, courtesy, and continued support. We look forward to working with you and your organization on this event.

Gail Miller (315) 735-6295 Sängerfest 2015.



Susan Sady

Susan Sady has been the choral director for the Utica Männerchor since .........




Check Points


Zur Erinnerung

'Brüder auf Leben und Tod'

An einem Festtag so wie heut,
wo jeder nur an das Sängerfest denkt,
wo jeder hebt die Stimmen hoch,
voll Stolz und Liebe zum Heimatland,
da denken wir tief im Herzen drin,
an die lieben Mitglieder die nicht
mehr mit uns sind.


Sunday Church Services

There are many fine places to worship in Utica. We have listed some here for your convenience. Please cleck below to view and print the list.

Utica Area Churches


Utica Area Restaurants

There are many fine places to dine in Utica. We have listed some here for your convenience. Please cleck below to view and print the list.

Utica Area Restaurants


If you have any questions on any aspect of Sängerfest 2015,
please call or e-mail at your convenience:

Gail Miller (315) 735-6295 Sängerfest 2015.

This internet web page is copyright (C) 2014 by the Webmaster. It was created for the Utica Männerchor and the New York State Sängerbund Inc. All rights reserved.

Legal Disclaimer: there is no warrantee of any kind for this page or the programs linked to it. This home page and its subsidiary pages are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied on the part of the Webmaster or the Utica Männerchor or the New York State Sängerbund Inc., including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors and any reliance on the information contained herein is at the complete risk of the user. It is recommended that the user consult the original sources. Changes are made periodically to the information herein, these changes will be incorporated in new editions on a regular basis as information becomes available and inaccuracies are detected.
